The JKBedrin Marketing Group Presents...
The Daily Tidbit
Bit #31
Add content specific to the context it is being delivered to.
Unlike all other media before it, your website is accessible by a variety of different devices. From personal computer-based web browsers to hand-held mobile devices to printers and screen readers.
You can really stand apart from your competition by tailoring the way your content is presented to the specific devices.
You can accomplish this fairly simply if you have used Cascading Style Sheets to control the presentation of your design. You can link specific stylesheets to corresponding media devices to present your content in a customized way.
And to go one step further, you can add relevant information specific to the media. For example, for a hand-held device you can add a phone number to call for more information. For a printer, you can make a special offer or promotion. All of this is hidden from the page the typical web browser sees on the web.