The JKBedrin Marketing Group Presents...
The Daily Tidbit
Bit #17
Classic Headline:
Hot new book reveals...
The Most Astonishing Sex Secrets Of The Most Satisfied... Most Knowledgeable...
And Most Respected Lovers In The World!
Learn to enjoy the best sex of your life, at any age... with the amazing
secrets and discoveries in this just-released "For Men Only" book that is
dramatically changing men's (and women's) lives literally overnight...
(John Caples)
Once again a headline that deals with a near universal desire (or fear). John Caples had trouble convincing conservative publisher Rodale to test this headline. Eventually, they did. It was a major winner.
Caples gets past the pornography stigma by using such words as "Knowledgeable" and "Respected." This headline also shows that you shouldn't be afraid to use as many words as you need to get your point across.