Mad Cash
What exactly is "Mad Cash"?
Mad Cash is the money you make when you accept the importance marketing plays in the success of your business.
It's amazing what happens to your cash flow when you learn to take proven marketing techniques... and... figure out how to apply them to your business. And most of these little techniques are so simple--once you know them!
They also work in an amazing way:
As you use more techniques, your profits grow exponentially.
Here's how it works:
Let's say you run an ad for a product with a price of $50.00. You pay $3,000 to run it in your local newspaper which has a circulation of 100,000. You get 120 orders. It costs you $20.00 to fill each order.
So let's do the math, and see how you did.
120 orders x 50 $ per order equals ------- 6,000 $ in sales revenue - 3,000 $ for the ad - 2,400 $ to fulfill the order leaves you with: ------- 600 $ in profit!
Not bad. For your investment of $3000 you made $600 for a 20% return on your investment. Try getting that from your local bank or stock broker!
You're doing pretty good, but you think you could be doing even better. You do a little market research and discover that 6% of the people who read the paper are interested enough in your headline to read the ad. And you further discover that 2% of the people who read your ad are persuaded to buy your product.
What happens if you make a minor improvement to the ad?
Let's say you tweak the headline and get 10% more people to read the copy. How are the numbers affected?
Before: 100,000 readers x .06 % of people interested in the headline makes ------- 6,000 people reading our copy x .02 % of people reading the copy who purchase gives ------- 120 people who order After: 100,000 readers x .066 10% more people interested in the headline equals ------- 6,600 people reading our copy x .02 % of people reading the copy who purchase equals ------- 132 people who order x 50 $ per order equals ------- 6,600 $ in sales revenue - 3,000 $ cost of ad - 2,640 $ cost to fulfill orders equals ------- 960 $ PROFIT
You've just increased your profits by 60%!
Wow, let's alter the copy a bit and increase its pulling power by 10%. Of 6600 people now reading your ad because of its New and Improved Headline, your copy now entices 2.2% of the readers to purchase instead of 2%.
100,000 readers x .066 10% more people interested in the headline equals ------- 6,600 people reading our copy x .022 % of people reading the copy who purchase equals ------- 145 people who order x 50 $ per order equals ------- 7,250 $ in sales revenue - 3,000 $ cost of ad - 2,900 $ cost to fulfill orders equals ------- 1,350 $ PROFIT
Your profits have increased an incredible 225%!
Is this right?!? Or is this some kind of mathematical trick?
Oh, yes--it's right.
This is what happens when you work smart, not hard.
And you didn't even work on the offer... or the guarantee... or the price point... or the best day to run the ad... or try a different paper. Any or all of these changes could boost your response rates.
And some of the changes could send your response rates through the roof! For example, some headline changes pull 2, 3, 4 or even 19.2 times better than the original ad.
When you begin to work smart instead of hard, you'll see opportunities all around. You'll test and measure everything. You'll let the numbers and the market tell you what is working.
And when you listen to the market, the market will reward you with... Mad Cash!
Mad Cash allows you the FREEDOM to do what you want to do.
You might want to secure your children's future
... or... buy that dream house
... or... golf wherever, whenever you want
... or... take over the world!
If you would like some help making Mad Cash, call us at 973-450-4000 and we'll get you on your way.
Just promise us you'll remember the people who helped you get there!
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